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Carolinas Independent
Automobile Dealers Association

Political Action Committee

Political Action Committee informational graphicSince 1956, the CIADA has been a strong voice for independent automobile dealers in the Carolinas.

Additionally, the CIADA interacts with the U.S. Congress, the White House, federal regulatory agencies, and many policy organizations. The tradition continues today as our state lobbyists and regulatory attorneys watch the legislative and regulatory activities coming from our Carolina Capitals and how they might affect our dealer members and their businesses.

The CIADA NC/SC Political Action Committees (CIADA NC-PAC and CIADA SC-PAC) were instituted to further enhance our efforts to protect the best interest of the used car industry and CIADA's dealer members in both states. Your contribution to the CIADA-PAC will allow us to work more closely with legislative members who seek to protect this vital industry and keep the economic engine of our small businesses running strong.

Thank you for investing in the future of your industry!

CIADA-PAC is the Political Action Committee of the Carolinas Automobile Dealers Association. CIADA-PAC may only make political contributions to candidates for state office in each respective state

CIADA-PAC is required to obtain written authorization from a member of CIADA prior to soliciting contributions to CIADA-PAC. This requirement applies to solicitations conducted via mail, electronic mail, and solicitations made during meetings and conventions.

The CIADA-PAC requests your approval to solicit contributions to the CIADA-PAC and offers the attached form which authorizes us to solicit personal contributions to the CIADA-PAC from you.

Completing this authorization does not obligate you in any way to support or contribute to the CIADA-PAC, it simply allows CIADA-PAC to discuss fundraising efforts with you.

State law requires that CIADA has this form on file state law requires that CIADA has this form on file in order to solicit contributions to the CIADA-PACNC/SC. Signing this form does not obligate you in any way to contribute.

PAC Brochure 677.08 KB

Solicitation Authorization Form

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